We are Kensington Gardens Flower Farm
Our Farm is located in the Seacoast area of New Hampshire. We offer a unique experience for flower enthusiasts, hobbyist gardeners, and nature lovers alike. We pride ourselves in growing a variety of beautiful and unique flowers, including Dahlias, and we are committed to teaching others about the joys of flower farming. We invite you to come explore our farm and see the beauty of nature up close.
Our Practices
At Kensington Gardens Flower Farm, we believe in sustainable practices. We strive to reduce our carbonfootprint and protect our environment by using natural fertilizers, composting, and conserving water. Our flowers are grown with love and care, ensuring they are of the highest quality and free from harmful chemicals.
How it Started
Hi! I am Deb Weil-O'Day and flowers are my passion. This flower farm is my retirement project to share the beauty of flowers and the joys of gardening. I love having my hands in the dirt! You can find me out in the gardens rain or shine (see photo).
In my copious spare time :-) I am also a wildlife, vintage motorsports, and sailing photographer.
To find out more please reach out to deb@kensingtongardensnh.com